Cheat Sheet: New Features in JPA 2.1

JPA 2.1 introduced 12 new features, like StoreProcedureQueries, Entity Graphs and Attribute Converter, to make your work with the database easier and more efficient.
Download your free New Features in JPA 2.1 cheat sheet now, to get all the information you need to improve your database access.

This 5 page cheat sheet brings you:

- a short description and
- code snippets for each feature,
- links to more detailed articles.

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Java Weekly 11/15: Java Money, REST API evolution, CDI 2.0 and more...

The Java world is evolving at a rapid pace and it can be challenging to keep track of it. Fortunately lots of great resources are created every week, explaining new features or looking at existing stuff from a different angle.

I am using the Java Weekly series to collect the most interesting links I found during the last week and present them to you all in one place. I hope you find it useful and that it makes it easier for you to keep up-to-date. If you like to suggest a resource or something I can improve on, please leave me a comment.


JSR 354 (Java Money & Currency) was created to ease the work with monetary values in Java. The work is nearly done and it will be released in the near future. Anatole Tresch, the specification lead, described the reasons for this specification and explained several of its features in great detail in: Go for the Money! JSR 354 Adds First Class Money and Currency Support to Java.

A few days ago, Java 8u40 was released and brought a bunch of small improvements, like a Nashorn Class Filter and improvements to the memory management. You can read more about it in the release announcement by Yolande Poirier on the oracle blog: Announcing Java SE 8 Update 40.

Java EE

Dropwizard and Spring Boot are two very popular frameworks for Java applications that are often used to implement microservices. But which should we choose, if we start with a new application?
Alex Zhitnitsky had a look at both frameworks and created a nice side by side comparison of them.

Romain Manni-Bucau had a look at the usage of CDI Instance and identified 3 pitfalls you should be aware of.

In most projects APIs change over time. It is always something developers like to avoid but it happens anyways. The application changes and so does the API.
Décio Sousa explains in his post REST API EVOLUTION how to implement API changes while maintaining retro-compatibility for older clients.

Java EE 8

We have been working on the CDI 2.0 specification for several month now and it is time to give an overview about the current status of the work and what is planned for the final release. You can read more about it in CDI 2.0 - A glimpse at the future on the CDI blog.


Ivan St. Ivanovs completed his series about the support of primitives in generics as part of project Valhalla. In this 3rd part of the series, he had a look at the challenges that this change will bring to the existing APIs and how to cope with them: Primitives in Generics, part 3.

Upcoming online events

Ales Justin will give a talk about Implementing your own Google App Engine with JBoss Cape Dwarf at 6pm UTC on Tuesday 10th at the vJBUG.

On Wednesday 11th at 5pm UTC, Aleksey Shipilëv will talk about Java Memory Model Pragmatics at the vJUG.

See you next Monday

for the next issue of Java Weekly. You don't want to wait so long, than follow me on twitter, where I share great resources during the week.

If you like to suggest a link for next weeks issue or something I can improve on, please write me a comment.

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