Cheat Sheet: New Features in JPA 2.1

JPA 2.1 introduced 12 new features, like StoreProcedureQueries, Entity Graphs and Attribute Converter, to make your work with the database easier and more efficient.
Download your free New Features in JPA 2.1 cheat sheet now, to get all the information you need to improve your database access.

This 5 page cheat sheet brings you:

- a short description and
- code snippets for each feature,
- links to more detailed articles.

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Java Weekly #7: Generics with Lambda, unified type conversion and more...


Java generics are an important concept in the modern Java development and they are key to understand and use the new Java 8 lambda expressions to its full extend. Josh Juneau wrote a great article, explaining how to use Java generics and why we need them to use lambda expressions.

Javin Paul wrote a great article about a small change introduced with JDK 1.7.0_40. Empty ArrayList and HashMap are now initialized with a capacity of 0, instead of an Object array of size 10 for an empty ArrayList and a default capacity of 16 for an empty HashMap. Depending on the application, this can be a huge performance improvement.

The Java update 8u11 and 7u65 introduced some errors and broke several third-party tools. This was the result of a stricter verification by the bytecode verify as described by Niv Steingarten in his post Oracle’s Latest Java 8 Update Broke Your Tools — How Did it Happen?

Java EE

Arjan Tijms had a look at the different approaches on how to convert objects in Java EE. He describes 5 (yes, five!) ways which are currently defined in different Java EE specifications and names two more APIs which are part of Java SE. 
This raises the questions, if we need to define one unified conversion API. From my point of view, this should have been already done in the past. But better now then never...

If you use JPA, your changes to the entities are cached in the persistence context. But when will this context (and your changes) be written to the database? This question is not always easy to answer. Vlad Mihalcea's explains the key concepts in his Beginners guide to JPA/Hibernate flush strategies.

Adam Bien wrote a short and interesting article, explaining why you should use JSPs to deliver your HTML5 documents. You should also have a look at the comments where his readers started to discuss about the usage of server vs. client side frameworks.


It is beginning of august and time for the next monthly issue of JCP News by David Delabassee. It happened a lot during the last month. Beside other things, there were updates to 5 Java EE 8 related JSRs and the early draft review of the 'Broadening JCP Membership' JSR.


If you are using Spring and like to get a quick overview about which versions are currently used and where to get the best development resources, have a look at this 2014 Spring Development Report. You will need to signup and get the download link via email.


If your are using git, you should have a look at the newest post by Roberto Cortez. He created a nice tutorial on how to use the Maven JGit-Flow Plugin to release your project. This looks really easy and comfortable.


Petri Kainulainen wrote an interesting article, discussing what we should and should not verify during unit tests. And there is less to verify than you might expect ...

Back to you!

These were the most interesting Java related resources I found this week.
What was your favorite one?

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