Cheat Sheet: New Features in JPA 2.1

JPA 2.1 introduced 12 new features, like StoreProcedureQueries, Entity Graphs and Attribute Converter, to make your work with the database easier and more efficient.
Download your free New Features in JPA 2.1 cheat sheet now, to get all the information you need to improve your database access.

This 5 page cheat sheet brings you:

- a short description and
- code snippets for each feature,
- links to more detailed articles.

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Java Weekly #5: Metaspace, Server-Sent Events, Java EE 8 drafts and more...


If you like to learn more about the removal of PermGen and the introduction of Metaspace in Java 8, you should have a look at Where Has the Java PermGen Gone? by Monica Beckwith. She wrote a great post about problems with the old PermGen and how they were solved with the new Metaspace.

Java EE

Server-Sent Events (SSE) were introduced with HTML 5 and enable the server to push data via HTTP to the client. Shing Wai Chan shows in his post Server-Sent Events with Async Servlet By Example how you can implement SSE by only using the Servlet API.

Antonio Goncalves wrote an interesting article about integration testing. He wants to execute the integration tests of his web application only, if it is successfully deployed on the JBoss application server. Otherwise the tests shall be skipped. He describes in his post Your tests assume that JBoss is up and running how this can be achieved by using JUnit assumptions and the JBoss HTTP management API.

Java Weekly #4: PicketLink and DeltaSpike, Batch API, JMS 2.1 and more...

Java EE

Shane Bryzak wrote a great article on how to use PicketLink and Apache DeltaSpike to secure your Java EE application. The combination of these two frameworks is really powerful. It allows you to add security to your application by implementing only one annotation and one method.

The Batch 1.0 API does not offer any solution to schedule a batch operation in Java EE. But there is no need for it, as Arun Gupta shows in his Tech Tip #36. The Java EE plattform already offers 3 different ways to schedule a batch operation.

If you want to learn more about the Java EE Concurrency API, you should have a look at the Java EE Concurrency API Tutorial by Francesco Marchioni. He created a detailed description on how to process parallel tasks on a Java EE application server. This is really a great resource if you want to learn more about Java EE Concurrency.

Java Weekly #3: Microservices, Java 8 features, upcoming events and more...


The article Tired of Null Pointer Exceptions? Consider Using Java SE 8's Optional! by Raoul-Gabriel Urma gives an extensive description about how to use Optional to improve your API and avoid NullPointerExceptions.

Oleg Shelajev wrote an interesting article about the unpredictability of parallel streams. The stream API is one of the major features introduced with Java 8 and it seems to be easy and powerful. But as Oleg describes in his article, it can influence the performance of your application in an unpredictable way.

Java EE

Maven archetypes are a quick and easy way to setup a Maven project and immediately start with the implementation. But so far there was no archetype to create a Java EE 7 project with Arquillian dependencies and profiles (at least as far as I know...). If you have used Arquillian to test your application, you know that setting up the profiles for different application servers is always some annoying (copy & paste) work.
This has changed since Arun Gupta introduced a Maven Archetype for Java EE 7 projects with Arquillian profiles on his blog. The archetype provides Java EE 7 dependencies and creates a managed and a remote profile for Wildfly and GlassFish.